The Published Writers Club of Rossmoor (PWR) was established in 2012 to support published and aspiring writers by promoting and publicizing their work. Membership is open to Rossmoor residents and a small percentage (20%) of non-residents.
Meetings are held on the first Saturday of each month (except July) at 10 am in the Fairway Room in the Creekside building. For more information, contact the president, Dick Friedman, at .

Annual dues are $30, payable to PWR. Those who join after July 1 will pay half the current year’s annual dues. Those who join after October 1 will pay $30, which will cover the current year's dues through the end of the next year. Those who wish to have their books listed on the website’s Author’s Page will pay an additional $10 per year.
If you would like to become a member, please fill out the form below, include your dues check (payable to PWR), and leave it in an envelope in the PWR box at Gateway or send it with your dues check to PWR, 2809 Ptarmigan Dr #2, Walnut Creek 94595.
Membership Benefits
- Network with other authors, writers, and publishers.
- Participate in monthly meetings featuring a variety of speakers on all things writing: adventure books, mysteries, memoirs, poetry, publishing, etc.
- Hold book launches/signings in Rossmoor with PWR's help.
- Sell your book(s) at Rossmoor's Fall Bazaar under our banner.
- Participate in filmed author interviews for broadcast on Rossmoor's TV Channel 1083.
- Post your profile and links to your book(s) and other published or to-be-published literary works on your personal Authors Page on the PWR website.
- Receive publicity through the weekly Rossmoor News, as well as other local print and digital media.
- Have the opportunity to be the Featured Author on our website and on a display at the Rossmoor Library