Marketing Tips
The Published Writers of Rossmoor can help promote and sell your book. Here's how.
Rossmoor TV Channel 28
Book Ends features local authors discussing their books with an interviewer. This half-hour show typically airs seven times over a week and is promoted in the Rossmoor News. To schedule an appearance contact Ron Wren, (925) 464-7497.
Rossmoor Library
We’ll place your book in the Rossmoor Library and arrange for a promotional display. Contact Mary Stephenson (925) 891-4346.
Launch Party
Plan for an introduction and informal gathering at the Dollar Clubhouse. Invite friends. Provide snacks and beverages— while you showcase your book and sell autographed copies. Contact Karl Livengood who will help with the details. (925) 708-9046
And here are some additional things you can do yourself:
KPFA 94.5 FM, Berkeley
Contact Richard Wolinsky at (510) 848-6767 and tell him you have a timely (strange, provocative, etc.) story that you believe would interest listeners to Bookwaves and other Pacifica stations in Fresno and Santa Cruz.
San Francisco Chronicle
This newspaper has a book review section that appears each Sunday with guest writer-editors. Contact John McMurtrie, Book Editor. (415) 777-1111
East Bay Express
Book reviews are a regular a part of this weekly newspaper and its sister publications: Gilroy Dispatch, Healdsburg Tribune.
North Bay Bohemian and Salinas Valley Tribune
Contact the Editor at 675 37th St., Suite 15, Oakland, CA 94609, (510) 879-3700
Orinda Books
Owner Pat Ridenbusch has an active mailing list and author- oriented website: Call her and suggest an in-person appearance by you—with your book. (925) 254-706
TIPS will be updated as marketing opportunities present themselves. Please contact PWR president Dick Friedman if you have TIPS to offer.